After 15 Years of Avid Personal Use, Film Star Takes Role of Leading Man for Vibration Training’s Leading Brand

CHICAGO – April 28, 2021 – Power Plate®, the global leaders in whole body vibration training equipment, today announced global movie star Mark Wahlberg has officially joined the company as both an investor in the parent company, Performance Health Systems, and as brand ambassador for Power Plate. One of the most fitness-oriented of Hollywood’s A-list leading men, Wahlberg has been a steadfast Power Plate user for 15 years, with vibration training playing a central role in his ongoing personal training and wellness-focused lifestyle.
Highlighted by its ability to enhance and accelerate the benefits of conventional exercise, Power Plate’s unmatched PrecisionWave Technology™ allows users to move, feel and live better. It’s for these reasons that Wahlberg has utilized Power Plate products for so many years and has now officially joined the company.
With a diversified mix of products ranging from its gold-standard vibration plate models featuring the company’s PrecisionWave Technology, to its targeted vibration products such as the Roller, DualSphere and Pulse massage gun, Power Plate has been the dominant innovator and driving force for vibration training equipment and programming for more than 20 years.
“The fact that Power Plate has been relatively unknown for so long surprised me,” said Wahlberg. “I’ve been a satisfied customer for over a decade, so I decided to get involved in spreading awareness about their game-changing products.”
Over the past two decades, Power Plate has entrenched itself amongst elite athletic trainers, medical and rehabilitation professionals for its diverse range of benefits, and the totally unique ability to serve the widest range of users, from top athletes and fitness professionals, to deconditioned, elderly or disabled populations. Power Plate machines are used by countless Olympic and professional sports teams, as well as elite trainers and cutting-edge wellness and rehabilitation clinics around the world.
While Wahlberg’s notoriety and reputation as a fitness icon will be a valuable engine for mainstream awareness, his role will go beyond merely investor and ambassador. He will also serve as an active consultant for ongoing strategy, product and programming development.
“It’s not often you have the opportunity to align with an individual who can impact every facet of a business, from personal investment and business strategy, to increasing brand awareness and credibility, yet that’s exactly what Mark brings to Power Plate. He’s a rare individual whose voice resonates with consumers on a truly global level,” said Lee Hillman, CEO Performance Health Systems. “Over the years, Power Plate and vibration training has been unequivocally validated by medical, academic and exercise science, and yet it remains a bit of a mystery to too many people. We believe Mark can play an invaluable role in changing that, and we couldn’t be more thrilled to have him on board.”
For Wahlberg, Power Plate is the latest addition to an investment portfolio that includes other fitness-oriented brands and ventures that the actor discovered through his own personal use, including F45, a rapidly growing franchise of gyms focused on small-group functional training programs, Performance-Inspired, a provider of all-natural nutritional products and Municipal sport utility gear. The inherent synergies between these companies represent a host of potential strategic partnerships and mutually beneficial collaborations for Power Plate.
“Mark is so much more than a celebrity investor. He brings a deep understanding of fitness methodology, nutrition and business strategy,” said Hillman. “His involvement in our business carries with it an enormous array of possibilities, and we intend to explore them to the fullest.”